An important concept in sales markets is that of 'caveat emptor.' This statement serves as a warning to buyers that an item or property will be sold 'as is.' In many situations, this means that by making a buyer aware of this, they have no legal recourse if some part...
Year: 2020
Digital privacy in the workplace
As more and more job responsibilities are taken online and employees are working in a remote capacity, digital privacy continues to grow as a controversial topic. As technology improves, employers have gained the ability to monitor nearly every action an employee...
Covid-19 and age discrimination
These are uncertain times for both West Virginia employers and workers. Despite the recent surge in coronavirus infections, many businesses want to reopen. Most workers want to return to their jobs, but some of them want to wear masks and practice social distancing,...
The empowering link between consumer fraud and employee rights
It’s quite easy to feel as if you’re always in danger of walking into a trap. Like you need to constantly be on guard against people looking to take advantage of you. This is true now more than ever, as powerful businesses across the country flex their might – often...
National origin discrimination in the workplace is illegal
National origin discrimination is a problem in some work environments. Some individuals may be singled out and treated less favorably than others based on their presumed national origin, accent or apparent ethnicity. Sometimes people who aren't of a specific...
What you should know before joining a class action lawsuit
Class action lawsuits operate a bit differently from individual litigation. The former generally involve fraud or product defects. Because of the amount of financial exposure involved, they're often settled outside of court rather than proceeding to trial.While class...
Know what unfair trade practices are unlawful in West Virginia
State and federal government regulators often share messages such as "buyer beware" and "if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is" when letting consumers know how to keep themselves and their money safe. They do this in hopes that they won't fall victim...
Asserting your rights if you’re working
If you work for an hourly wage, the time that you spend working is very important. If, like most workers, you are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you will have the right to be paid overtime when you are working more than 40 hours in a week. The FLSA...
West Virginia employers can fire you for (almost) any reason
West Virginia (WV) is an at-will state for employment, much like many others in the United States. Employers who uphold this doctrine can generally sever the employment relationship that they share with a worker for any non-discriminatory reason and at any point in...
Do any federal laws protect lemon car buyers?
West Virginia is one of many states that has lemon car laws on the books. There are limits to them just like any other rule or regulation, though. There are at least three pieces of federal legislation that deal with bad cars.The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a...
If your rights were violated by an employer or company, we want to hear about it. Our friendly staff and team of attorneys will treat you with respect, listen to your story and lay out all available options. Whether it’s better to settle out of court or take matters before a judge, you can rest assured knowing we will only do what’s in your best interests.