Coal miners work a physically arduous and dangerous job. They go down into mines to physically extract coal for energy production and other purposes. Despite pressure to transition away from coal as an energy source, the demand for coal in the United States remains very strong.
Coal miners serve a crucial role in the modern economy as they support energy independence. Coal miners often lack information about their rights and protections as workers. They may end up in unsafe environments or may face mistreatment from employers if they do not learn about their rights.
The right to a safe work environment
Despite an uptick in coal extraction in recent decades, there has been a significant decrease in on-the-job fatalities. Improved safety standards are largely responsible for the reduction in coal mine fatalities. While deadly incidents like cave-ins are less common, workers do still require protection because of hazardous equipment, dangerous chemicals and environmental exposure. Workers have a right to a safe environment and a right to report safety violations without fear of punishment.
The right to a discrimination-free workplace
Coal mining may be a demanding career, but that does not justify employers discriminating against certain groups. Discrimination based on age, sex, race and disability can potentially be an issue in the coal mining sector. Companies may refuse to hire workers based on their protected characteristics. They may terminate workers who belong to certain groups before others during downsizing. The company may also extend more advancement opportunities to workers who have certain characteristics while denying opportunities to others.
The right to fair wages
There are numerous federal standards for worker compensation that employers have to follow. They need to pay at least minimum wage, although those working in coal mining often command higher wages because of the hazards involved in their work. They may also occasionally be eligible for overtime wages, as the company may have them put in long hours or come in on weekends occasionally. Workers should receive appropriate pay based on the time that they worked, not on company policies. If a business tries to deny overtime pay because of an internal company policy, workers may have grounds to take legal action.
Knowing and asserting employee rights is crucial for the protection of any worker. Coal miners often need to work together if they want to hold a business accountable for inappropriate and illegal employment practices.